Moments of Gratitude
-finally made a proper schedule with my ex-husband regarding my daughter....he was more fly by the seat of his pants and I have been gracefully fighting for consistency for my dear girl. We are using calenders and stickers so she can identify mom or dad days. I am grateful for productive communication.
-My husband and his patience with me and the kids and sometimes everything around him. Depression is so hard and he is making every effort to not sit still but call on God and share with me.
-Cosette's helpful ways. My little girl is growing up.
-Nice weather
Beauty in the Ordinary
-my babies hugging and cuddling. I don't understand their language but it's ok because they do.
From the Kitchen
-BBQ pork ribs
-lots of salads in the heat
-for my husband to find work
-for peace in our families
-for our priest
-Liturgy of the Hours
-childrens books
Looking Ahead
-trying hard to stay in the present, but I am trying to be more organized
Hot Spots
-kid's play room
-our room - it needs help, not exactly a couples haven
My boy :)
Blessings on your week!!! :)