Tuesday, July 10, 2012

CWA -Catholic Woman's Almanac

I wanted to link up with the ladies from Suscipio for Catholic Woman's Almanac.  It is supposed to happen on Mondays....well it's Tuesday but I am a full time mom (no need for further explaination lol)

Moments of Gratitude:
>my husband and I had a quiet lunch together because both of our children napped at the same time! 
>my son has started trying to talk
<an enhanced prayer life has led me to take more pride in my home and my attitude
< lots of yummy food brought by family members

Beauty in the Ordinary: 
<my children laughing and playing together squealing
<the birds who come onto my balcony every morning

From the Kitchen:
<I am taking a real interest in Organic cooking.  We are all eating healthier and this makes all of us feel good.

<more often
<learning the Angelus again and also thanks to Jenny at Suscipio a new novena to St. Martha.  Beautiful the way those ladies pray together!

<Struggles in marriage and how far myself and Andrew have come.
<going back to work
<how much talking instead of listening has got me into hot water!

One Thousand Gifts 
 Where There is Love, There is God - Mother Theresa

Looking Ahead:

organizing, saving, job hunting, camping

1 comment:

  1. Hi Samantha, so happy you linked up at Suscipio! Tuesday's no late, it's just in time. I am so with you on the talking getting myself into hot water. The Angelus, yes, another prayer we used to say and then got out of the habit, we need to start praying it again. Thanks for the nudge.
